Río Negro Province

Río Negro
Coat of arms
Country Argentina
Divisions 13 departments
Capital Viedma
Area 203,013 km2 (78,384 sq mi)
Population 638,645 (2010)
Density 3.1 / km2 (8 / sq mi)
Governor Alberto Weretilneck
 - Senators Maria Jose Bongiorno, Miguel Ángel Pichetto, Pablo Verani
Timezone ART (UTC−3)
ISO 3166-2 code AR-R
Demonym Rionegrino
Website: http://www.rionegro.gov.ar

Río Negro (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈri.o ˈneɣɾo], Black River) is a province of Argentina, located at the northern edge of Patagonia. Neighboring provinces are from the south clockwise Chubut, Neuquén, Mendoza, La Pampa and Buenos Aires. To the east lies the Atlantic Ocean.

Its capital is Viedma. Other important cities include the ski resort town of Bariloche, Cipolletti and General Roca.



Puelches, Picunches and Vuriloches tribes of the Tehuelche aboriginal group lived in the area before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadores. Pushed by the Spanish, the Araucanos crossed the Andes from Chile mixing with local ethnics.

Ferdinand Magellan was the first explorer to visit the coasts of the provinces in 1520. Priest Nicolás Mascardi founded the Jesuit mission Nuestra Senora de Nahuel Huapi in 1670 at the shore of the Nahuel Huapi Lake, at the feet of the Andes range.

In 1779 Francisco Fernández de Viedma founded both Mercedes de Patagones (current Viedma) and Carmen de Patagones (Buenos Aires Province) on opposite sides of the Río Negro River's mouth.

After the May Revolution there was a first attempt to subdue the aboriginals of the area, but it was not until the Conquest of the Desert commanded by General Julio Argentino Roca that the local inhabitants were reduced and the constant danger of their attacks eliminated. Francisco Moreno started his exploration of the Patagonia at the Nahuel Huapi Lake area to later adventure further south.

By the beginning of the 19th century, many settlements such as San Carlos de Bariloche, General Roca and Choele Choel were already constituted and received French and German immigration, and other such as Cipolletti, Ingeniero Huergo and others installed in the Alto Valle (Upper Valley) region. Soon the production of fruits became the main economical activity, and the railway connected the Alto Valle with the ports on the Atlantic Ocean.

Río Negro acquired status of province on December 10, 1957; its first governor was Edgardo Castello of the Radical Civic Union (UCR). The province's voters, which have historically leaned toward the UCR, elected Front for Victory candidate Carlos Soria in 2011. Soria was the first Peronist elected Governor of Río Negro since 1973. He was killed on 01 January 2012 apparently by his wife.

Alberto Weretilneck succeeded him.

Geography and climate

At the north of the Patagonia, the Limay River serves as natural border with the Neuquén Province to the West, as the Colorado River does with La Pampa Province to the North. The parallel 42 marks the southern limit of the province.

The main water source at the arid plains that cover most of the province is the Río Negro River, in whose valley most of the settlements and farms are located. The over 600 km of the Rio Negro's valley are divided in Alto Valle (West), Valle Medio (center) and Valle Inferior (East).

The central part of the province is dominated by a series of plateaus and isolated hills, with altitudes ranging from 600 meters (2000 ft) above sea level to 1000 meters (3300 ft). Especially noteworthy is the plateau called "Meseta de Somuncura" in the central-eastern part of the province, with altitudes generally above 1000 meters (3300 ft) and some spots reaching 1300 meters (4200 ft). Moving further west, the foothills of the Andes are dominated by a series of low valleys discharging either towards the Atlantic through the Limay river, or to the Pacific through the Manso and Puelo rivers: deep blue-water lakes form in the Andean valleys, with some regions reaching very low altitudes (under 400 meters, or 1300 ft, in the Pacific basin, and 750 meters, or 2500 ft, in the Atlantic basin). The Andes are here deeply cut by glacial valleys, and the altitude of the peaks is moderate: for most, it ranges between 1,700 meters and 2,200 meters (5600 to 7200 ft), with only a handful of peaks surpassing 2,400 meters (7800 ft). Especially noteworthy is the Cerro Tronador, a heavily glaciated peak of 3,405 meters (11,100 ft) which clearly dominates the surrounding landscape.

The climate of the province is temperate at low elevations, and very cold in the higher Andean peaks. Several variations occur in the province, but we can distinguish 5 main climatic regions:

The Atlantic coast has a very dry, moderate climate. The existence of warm currents creates higher temperatures than in regions further north in the province of Buenos Aires: summers are hot, with highs between 28°C (82F) and 32°C (91F) and nights are pleasant, at 15°C (59F) to 18°C (64F). The air is very dry, and precipitation is only about 30 mm (1.2 in) monthly during the season, falling in the form of isolated thunderstorms. Temperatures cool down with the start of fall in March, and by April, one can expect highs of 20°C (69F) and lows of 10°C (50F) along the coast. Winter is surprisingly mild for Patagonian standards, and very dry: highs average 12°C to 15°C (54F to 59F) and lows between 1°C and 4°C (34F to 39F). Temperatures will sometimes fall down to -10°C (14F) and snow or sleet showers can occur sometimes, but they remain infrequent. Spring is progressively warmer but extremely windy. Total precipitation averages only 250 to 300 mm (9.8 in to 11.8 in).

The Rio Negro Valley and Colorado Valley run through the northern part of the province, the latter forming the border with the province of La Pampa. They cut deep, fertile valleys that form irrigated oases (especially the Rio Negro) with a climate that is markedly warmer than most regions of the province: summers are very hot, usually above 30°C (86F) during the day and sometimes up to 40°C (104F) followed by relatively cool nights, and thunderstorms are more frequent further north. Winters are similar to those along the coast but nights tend to be colder, with average lows of just about 0°C (32F). Precipitation ranges from 450 mm in the extreme northeast corner (helped by summer thunderstorms), to under 200 mm in the northwestern part, distributed quite evenly with a slight peak in the spring and summer.

The weather tends to be significantly rougher in the central plateaus, due to a more southerly location, a further distance from the ocean and the higher elevation. The few towns in this area are located at about 800 meters (2600 ft) in elevation, next to rivers or ponds, protected from the worst winds. In these spots, summers are warm with strikingly cold nights (highs of 24°C to 28°C, or 75F to 82F, lows of 5°C to 10°C or 41F to 50F). Frost happens throughout the year, and is a daily occurrence starting in the fall. Winters are extremely variable: on average, highs are around 4°C to 9°C (39F to 48F) and lows are -7°C to -2°C (19F to 28F). However, when Antarctic air masses invade the region, temperatures can plummet to extremely low values due to radiative cooling and the extremely dryness of the air: -18°C (0F) is a relatively common temperature, and most inhabited places can go down to -25°C (-13F), with unofficial records approaching -35°C (-31F) in some spots. Snow falls very frequently but usually in small quantities due to the dryness; however, on some exceptional winters, the villages in the area have been isolated for weeks by severe snowstorms. Spring brings milder days but common frost at night, and very high winds of up to 100 km per hour (60 miles per hour). Precipitation ranges from 100 mm (3.9 in) to 300 mm (11.8 in), and is more frequent in the fall and winter.

As we approach the Andes, the air masses from the Pacific bring increased humidity: about 50 km from the border with Chile, most spots receive between 400 mm (16 in) and 600 mm (24 in) of rain and snow; in most Andean low valleys, the values are between 1000 mm (39 in) and 2000 mm (78 in) and where low passes let air masses come from Chile, 3000 mm (118 in). Some spots have up to 4500 mm (177 in) annually, and are among Argentina's rainiest. Summers are cool and windy due to Pacific air, with highs between 18°C (64F) and 25°C (77F), and almost never reaching 30°C (86F) and cold nights between 2°C and 9°C (35F to 48F). Most days are dry and sunny, but when storms stagnate around the coast, several rainy days may follow. The main changeover occurs in April, when the train of storms common to this latitude (40° to 42°) hit the region: in May alone, between 150 mm (6 in) and 600 mm (24 in) fall in the region. Winter brings a mixture of rain, sleet and snow to low valleys, with highs between 2°C and 9°C (35F to 48F) and lows between -5°C and 4°C (23F to 39F). Extreme temperatures are much more moderate than in the steppes further east: they only occasionally plummet to -15°C (5F) and most areas have only recorded up to -20°C (-4F) a few times. Snow falls very often and can be heavy, with up to a foot at valley level on some years; however, due to the mild Pacific influence, accumulations rarely last more than a few days.

Finally, higher altitudes have colder temperatures: above 1200 meters (3900 ft), snow cover will usually last for about 3 to 5 months every year, and many summer rainstorms will leave a dusting of snow during the night. At 1600 meters, snow frequently reaches depths of over 1.5 meters (over 5 feet) and lasts until early summer. The tree line is located at 1600 meters (5200 ft) in southerly slopes and 1800 (5900 ft) in northerly slopes; at 2000 meters (6600 ft), pockets of snow remain until late summer in the shade and at about 2400 meters (7900 ft), eternal snow is present. The weather is unpredictable at these heights, and is always extremely cold and windy on top of Cerro Tronador.


Argentina's ninth-largest, Rio Negro's economy is a diversified service-based one with vigorous agricultural and light manufacturing sectors. Its 2006 output was an estimated US$5.4 billion, or, US$9,800 per capita (about 12% above the national average).[1] The province's agriculture (about 10% of output) is concentrated in the fertile valleys of the Río Negro River, specially at the Alto Valle but also at the Valle Medio. The province produces almost 70% of the apples and pears of the country, most it for exportation with 38% of it as fresh fruit and 40% as juice concentrate, through the port of San Antonio Oeste.

In the Valle Medio, besides apples and pears, tomatoes (specially around Lamarque), onions and other fresh vegetables are produced for local and national consumption.

The crops around the city of El Bolsón are mainly berries, and hops with 70% of the national production.

Outside the most fertile valleys used for agriculture cattle (specially on the North), goats (on the South) and sheep are raised. 13% of the national sheep meat and wool production comes from the Río Negro Province.

There is a relatively small petroleum extraction area around the town of Catriel near General Roca, but it cannot be compared with those in other provinces such as Santa Cruz and Neuquén. Most of what is extracted is taken non-processed to plants in the Buenos Aires Province. There is also some mining activity for diatomite, gypsum, salt and others.

Industrial fishing takes place in the Atlantic Ocean waters of the San Matías Gulf with an annual recollection of 11,000 tons of fishes, and 8,000 of seafood. Hake, squid, and shellfishs are the most common capture, most of which are frozen and exported.

Manufacturing and light industries are concentrated mostly in the Alto Valle (especially food processing, but also other industries), with some industries in Viedma and in Bariloche. High-tech industries concentrate in Bariloche: the most noteworthy being a state-owned firm called INVAP which produces, among other things, nuclear reactors and satellite components. Nuclear research is carried on at the Centro Atomico Bariloche, dependent on the Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, and the Instituto Balseiro awards degrees in Physics, Nuclear Engineering and other hard sciences to a handful of rigorously selected students every year.


There are two main areas of tourism in the province; the Andes and the Atlantic coast.

The Andean Area

The most visited area is that of the lake district near San Carlos de Bariloche inside the Nahuel Huapi National Park, and neighbouring Neuquén Province. This includes the Isla Victoria, Camino de los Siete Lagos, Los Arrayanes National Park, and many trekking paths among lakes.

The Cerro Catedral ski centre is the biggest in South America and is visited by people from all South America, and people from the Northern Hemisphere from late June to mid-September. The mountain is also a popular destination during the summer; trekkers crash at the Refugio Lynch or camp by the Tonček lake on the Southern part of the mountain. Other many peaks include the Tronador and its loud thundering mountain glacier.

There are also numerous hotels and accommodations by the Nahuel Huapi Lake, most notably the luxurious Llao-Llao hotel.

El Bolsón is a mid-stop for those going to (or coming from) the Chubut Province's Los Alerces National Park, were home made beer and handicrafts are commonplace.

This zone is known for having much international tourism, generating rising developments in areas such as restaurants, hotels and Spanish language instructional schools.

There is a rising number of U.S.-American and European expatriates sought the area to retire, and other South American and Asian immigrants arrived to work in small shops and hotels.

The Atlantic Coast

The cliffs of the beach in Las Grutas ("The Caves") have been eroded by the fluctuating tides, making caves (grutas) on them.

The green-water beaches are mainly visited by tourists from nearby locations, except during the Fiesta Nacional del Golfo Azul, with artists from South America. Las Grutas is still a small city but it has a big casino by the beach and a number of hostels and other accommodation options.

The Balneario El Cóndor on the Ruta Provincial 1 is visited mainly by the inhabitants of the near Viedma, and its waters are coloured by the Río Negro river-mouth located some kilometres North.

Near Sierra Grande, Playas Doradas ("Golden Beaches") is a small but quickly growing beach town, with a number of hostels and a few hotels. Nearby mining facilities closed years ago can be visited for a fully equipped adventure ride.

The Centre

Only local tourists visit the Alto Valle or Valle Medio. The most famous place is the birthplace of the local divinity Ceferino Namuncurá in Chimpay. Some popular events related with agriculture products take place in different cities, Fiesta Nacional de la Manzana in General Roca, Fiesta Nacional de la Pera in Allen and Fiesta Nacional del Tomate in Lamarque.

Some water sports and fishing on the Río Negro River.

Political division

The province is divided in 13 departments (Spanish departamentos).

Department (Capital)

  1. Adolfo Alsina Department (Viedma)
  2. Avellaneda Department (Choele Choel)
  3. Bariloche Department (San Carlos de Bariloche)
  4. Conesa Department (General Conesa)
  5. El Cuy Department (El Cuy)
  6. General Roca Department (General Roca)
  7. Nueve de Julio Department (Sierra Colorada)
  8. Ñorquinco Department (Ñorquinco)
  9. Pichi Mahuida Department (Río Colorado)
  10. Pilcaniyeu Department (Pilcaniyeu)
  11. San Antonio Department (San Antonio Oeste)
  12. Valcheta Department (Valcheta)
  13. Veinticinco de Mayo Department (Maquinchao)

See also


  1. ^ [1]

External links